Tomcat Wrestling Club
Tomcat Wrestling Club


***Out of district tuition fee will be $25 per wrestler or $50 per family max***

A USA Wrestling Membership form will need to be filled out onsite.

Option A: (TWC Preferred)

Cost: $420 per wrestler paid by 11/17/18 -

**Free Parent Hoodie if paid by NOVEMBER 1st**


Option "A" includes: Practice t-shirt, shorts, hooded sweatshirt, singlet (rented), USAWrestling Card, practices and ALL REGULAR SEASON TOURNAMENTS*.

Sibling Discount: $10 off per sibling


*Registration includes all regular season tournaments, for a total value of $260. This does not include regionals, sectionals and/or championship tournaments. 


:Option B: "Pay As You Go"

Cost: $240 per wrestler paid by 11/17/18


Option includes: Practice t-shirt, shorts, hooded sweatshirt, singlet (rented), USAWrestling card, practices and the first 3 tournaments. All other tournaments must be paid 2 weeks prior to each tournament.

Sibling Discount: $10 off per sibling





WRESTLER is responsible to purchase wrestling shoes and a wrestling headgear.

Mention Tomcat Wrestling Club while purchasing equiptment from Dick Ponds and 5% of your purchase will be donated back to our organization.


Tournaments are just about every Sunday beginning in December 2nd thru March. The cost for individual tournaments varies but is usually $20-25 per wrestler. TWC wrestlers will "weigh in" every Thursday at practice.

1. Enter wrestler's info

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Application for Student Wrestler

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2. Pay Online

Payment must be received in full by 11/17/18 for either option or a $25 Late fee will be added. Registration fee can be paid in full or in payments. Click the button below to pay using your credit/debit card. (A 2% convenience fee will apply.)

3. Print required Forms

Fill out the 2 forms below and bring to first practice, along with a COPY OF THE CHILD'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE (If new wrestler).

USAWrestling Application and Waiver
Adobe Acrobat document [359.6 KB]
District 131 Waiver
Adobe Acrobat document [85.6 KB]


Tues, Wed, and Thursdays

Beginner 6:30-7:30pm

Simmons Middle School


*There will be NO practice on days when the High School is closed. Below is a link to the East Aurora School District:

Contact Us Today!

Tomcat Wrestling Club
500 Tomcat Ln
Aurora, Illinois 60505

Phone: 630.803.2662


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